General Reading Practice
Name: ________________________ Date: _______________
I’m reading _________________________________
Pre-Reading: Know what you’re reading.
1. What type of reading is it? (novel, news/sports article, biography, etc.)
2. How long did you spend reading?
Listening: Know why you’re reading.
1. Write one sentence answering what this text was about?
(Ex. It was about../ It discussed…/ etc.) _______________________________________________________________
2. Write 1-3 sentences details from the text. (What did you understand?)
a. _____________________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________________
c. _____________________________________________________________
3. Write 1-3 OLD expressions that are familiar. (Ones you’ve heard before.)
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________
4. Write 1-6 NEW words or expressions (then ask a teacher to confirm.)
a. ______________________ d. ______________________________
b. ______________________ e. ______________________________
c. ______________________ f. _______________________________
Post-Listening: Know what you’ve read.
1. Did it accomplish its objective? Why or why not?